City of Meadowlakes - Public Works Department

The Meadowlakes PWD provides potable water, wastewater disposal and drainage facilities to the residents and businesses of Meadowlakes. Management and operation of the PWD is provided by a City employed Public Works Director, staff and contractors.

The PWD operates a 1.5 million gallon per day surface water treatment plant along with two wastewater treatment plants, which have a total treatment capacity of 180,000 gallons per day. The PWD has obtained a "Superior Water System" designation, which is one of the highest ratings given by the State of Texas to a water system. View our Current water quality report here.

For our citizen's convenience, the PWD has installed a drop box on the outgoing side of the security gate, which may be used for correspondence and payments of monthly utility bills, POA, Webworm Coop, and Hidden Falls Golf club payments.
The PWD office is located in the Meadowlakes Municipal Building at 177 Broadmoor, Suite B, and is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. Should you have a water or sewer emergency, immediately call our office at (830) 693-2951 and follow the voicemail directions and your call will be forwarded to the 24-hr on-call person.

The PWD is also responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste (garbage) and curbside recycling within the City and provides this service through a private contractor. Collection begins early each Friday morning. Garbage should be put out on Thursday night.
Reminder: Blue trash containers are only allowed out for pickup between noon on Thursday and Saturday morning. Please see Ordinance 130.02 for details.
Please click here for information on our new recycling containers.

To pay your utility bill online click here    payclix_logo 

Garbage pickup is every Friday, recycling and bulk pickup is every other Friday. 2025 garbage collection calendar
Waste Management Customer Service (800) 800-5804 or [email protected]

Baneza Solorzano - Utility Clerk
Set up utilities HERE
Brush Chipping Guidelines

Application to renew TCEQ Municipal Wastewater Permit

Water Quality Reports