The City of Meadowlakes embraces the philosophy of open government. You pay for your government and you deserve to know how your money is being spent.
This section is meant to provide the taxpayers of Meadowlakes additional information to ensure that the City is being transparent with the City’s finances. When we talk about financial transparency we are referring to opening our books to the public so that taxpayers can see exactly where their money is going. By doing this we ensure the taxpaying public that their tax dollars are being spent efficiently.
The City of Meadowlakes also values financial accountability. The information and documents referenced on this page support our goals of transparent government, good stewardship and open communication. Provided below please find links to the following financial related data:
- Monthly Check Register, which includes a listing of all operating checks written, all outgoing wire transfers and monthly summaries of semi-weekly payroll.
- Monthly Financial Reports, which provide the financial status of all funds within the City including balance sheets and profit and loss statements.
- Current Tax rate for the City.
- Annual Budgets as adopted by the Council.
- Annual Financial Report (audit) compiled by an outside independent auditing firm.
Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?
Under the Texas Public Information Act, you have the right to request, in writing, official city documents through and Open Records Request. The City Secretary is the official keeper of all public documents of the City. (Please note that certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of information.)
There is no specific form required for submitting an Open Records request, but an online form can be found on the main page of the City’s web site. You may also contact the City Secretary at 830-693-6840 for additional information.

Document Center
The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.
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